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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Happy New Year! 2021, Reflecting on 2020

The Bad

It goes without saying the kind of year 2020 has been but despite it all, it has made me realise just how resillient I actually am. When we had our first lockdown here in the UK, I felt very... lost. My mind went down a lot of unhelpful stressful roads and like many others I felt very low. The dogged, determined attitude I'm known for did dampen. My primary goal at the time was to land my dream career, I felt as if all hope of achieving an already difficult goal had left, events were being cancelled like the VFX festival, London Siggraph's events, the swimathon I had signed up for. The most wild of all it became illegal to see my friends and family?!?!?!!! 

It was too much at the time. After processing it all, I was able to slowly, pick myself up again and make the new life covid has forced us into living work for me. I got into wellness and made more time for taking care of my mental health by journalling, yoga, watching films, playing games - more of the homeplace things I denied myself because I prioritised work. Being in isolation made me realise I was all work no play, (even though I love my work).  

The Getting Better

My birthday is near enough smack bang in the middle of the year, that's when 2020 took a turning point. I rejoined my self defence school that I had left to go to uni and was promoted to instructor - I have even been offered the opportunity to open up my own school! (Once the covid problem is eliminated and I've had more instructor training perhaps I will). 

I've learned Procreate and Nomad Sculpt for iPad in addition to teaching myself how to use substance designer and painter and retextured my Scuba Helmet model from 2016 - I was so proud of what I had managed to teach myself! Come October, I took part in the Art Heroes halloween zbrush challenge where I sculpted a character of my own design. In, november I over came my intimidation of coding and learned HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery to make an app using glitch. In the gaps leading up to Christmas I made an abundance of 3D printed Christmas gifts.

Also on another good note, in Decmeber, my graduate film A Time Apart was a semi-finalist in the Dumbo Film Festival's bi-monthly film festival in New York! This is what my film's thumbnail is looking like now:

The Future

2021 I hope will be a good year. I've been very weary not too make too many plans but this year one thing is certain, health comes first. But here are some things I do intend to achieve.

  1. I will be rebranding this year! Blog, socials - everything! This will include a 3D self portrait which I have teamed up with a friend for the design, (I do not enjoy drawing myself).
  2. I will be learning even more software, Unreal Engine, Unity, Blender, Gaea and more thoroughly ZBrush. 
  3. I will also be working on my design skills and by the end of the year open a weekend hobby shop selling my 3D prints.
  4. More blogging!

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