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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Friday 10 February 2017

Simon's Class 10/02

Discussing OGR feedback with Simon he went through different styles of character design with me and how to get a good composition when creating concept art for environments.

The thumbnails below he's gone through perspective and horizon lines for my cellar and park environments.

Below he's give me an example on how I can design the mother roboticist to reflect her personality, the left one is more of a mannish character - hard working, where as the right version is more motherly who makes her surrogate robots and dotes on them.

After going over round and rectangular based characters I asked for a triangle based character that was still human.

After a little refresh of everything I've learnt so far, I'm feeling a bit more confident and I understand more how I'm supposed to do this, I won't fully understand until I've done it myself.

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