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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Thursday 9 February 2017

My Story World - Thinking Out Loud

After my OGR feedback I realised I haven't thought much about the world or look of my story so:

Time period: Present day.
2017 is post post modern era, we are not in the future where everything is super hi-tech but we are heading that way. We are in that stage where almost everything has been thought of and we turn the past and possible future into styles/trends/subcultures such as steampunk subculture, which is a mixture of steam technology/engineering, sci-fi, Victorian era and the American 'Wild West'. This is how I aim to design the robot, cellar and roboticist.

The cellar is the mother's world of steampunk, an alternate past with a not yet future. The house will be a Victorian one, with a modern twist on it's décor and it will have a dark feel because everything about what takes place inside is dark: the cellar being under the house and the unnatural machines that are being created there, the depressing loneliness the daughter feels that loom suicide and the robot daughter the mother makes to replace her daughter... The park will need to keep in style of these so maybe it shouldn't be a nice day at the park when the daughter and robot commit suicide. (I was gonna have it a nice day because yes, it was sad but it was her release from her lonely life, so maybe the environment could be happy for her since she has no one or perhaps a welcome. They say when you die you don't actually die, your spirit becomes that in the life around, like expressed in this poem: http://www.funeralhelper.org/do-not-stand-at-my-grave-and-weep-mary-elizabeth-frye.html).

Looking at my influence maps, designing the cellar to be dark will be inevitable, steampunk everything is made of copper, bronze and brass with rust and in a cellar you may find some mould and oil in places so this lab/garage will be scruffy and constantly in use and that will provide a suitable colour scheme. Tools and cogs and machinery are all robust/tough things so will have harsh lines and mainly square. The stairs room will be dull/not overly lit, the hallway bulb would have gone out and the mother keeps meaning to change it but never leaves the cellar to do so. 

The character designs I'm thinking Tim Burton/Caligari but that's cliché for a dark style so I'm gonna thoroughly think through (but try not to over think and drive myself insane) why I'm designing things the way I am like Jack Skeleton was designed to have legs like a tarantula to reflect Halloween and fear/creepiness, this effected how he walked which built character. I'm going to redesign the daughter and mess with her shapes more, when I have the daughter design I can adapt her into a robot, when I have these two I can combine them and adapt to make the mother/roboticist and once I have robot and mother I can create the cellar to their needs...

More influence to come...

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