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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Sunday 5 February 2017

Cellar Struggles Concept Art WIP

I've been struggling with ideas on how to design this cellar (the most important one) to suit a steampunk roboticist... So I made a maya scene with how I imagine this set to look in terms of layout, I thought that might be a good start. I know it looks bad but I can't pinpoint quite why or why its not working or why I can't imagine anything despite having the influence maps... 

Next steps will be to start designing what the work table in the middle will look like, the desk and the contraption that the robot will hang from when working on it vertically, etc. But before that I'm gonna design the mother/roboticist, maybe having the character designed will make it easier to design her environment.

Cellar Map Top
Work table, water tanks, tyres, other junk.
Desk, pin board to display designs, book shelves, tool station/display
Thumbnails I started working on before going into Maya

Cement Floor and worn brick wall combo test?


  1. Hey Paris, I think you might just need to do more research, Pinterest is brilliant for this kind of stuff, if you don't know Pinterest I would get on that asap!

    In your influence maps and designs I would break everything down, so in the your influence maps for the cellar I see a lot of whole cellars but break it down individually to what makes it look that way, I see a lot of arched roofs but there is none in your maya scene, I understand doing arched roofs would be really cumbersome in maya but why not give it a go on paper or on photoshop?, cellars feel claustrophobic, looks it's closing in on you

    So I would look at arched/pitched roofs and then pin loads of those that you like to pinterest, along with pillars and pipes and try and find out the time period that relates to having cellars look like that along with steampunk when and why was steampunk done?
    Then look at furniture that would be in that time period and again pin everything you like to Pinterest and then just combine all of these findings into different designs for your own kind of kit-bash of them all together,
    then do loads... and loads... and loads of thumbnails, in my thumbnails what I like to do is look at different perspectives and then try and draw them out so you might have perspectives of showing the point of view pointing up at the ceiling to show those arched roofs, maybe the point of view is in the corner of the room, try and give a go of doing interesting perspectives to highlight different aspects, maybe some of those cogs and pillars are obstructing the view of the cellar? I would just spit ball ideas into thumbnails, they don't have to look perfect your just trying to get ideas out to problem solve why it doesn't look like a cellar, find something that works and then bring that into the next thumbnail.
    I hope that helps a tad :)

  2. Thanks Graeme - that's helped a lot I'll give that a go :D
