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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

A Time Apart: Post Viz Progress 4

Since my last post I have now animated the abuse montage, modelled the kitchen set (when I texture it I will post renders and apply post VFX), I've also received the first two minutes of my soundtrack from my composer and put in a few more sounds. I still need to put in some unsettling sounds to contrast the uplifting countryside ambience/tweeting birds heard when Fred is rescued by his family. The shot that transitions Fred from the church to the kitchen (Act 1 into Act 2) obviously needs more work but for now here's what I've got!

Like the last post I've put in bits of my pre viz to fill the gaps of what's left to animate which is just Doris's search and finding Fred. I plan to have all scenes animated by Friday.

UPDATE (10/05): The audio in Act 2 where lines seem to layer over each other this wasn’t meant to happen, I was up very late and got muddled up with my nest groups in premiere.

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