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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Premise: Font Exploring

I've started looking into fonts, trying to figure out my Art Of. I'm not sure if I want my Art Of to look like a Ration Book or a photo album of old photos with a hand writing font, you know how have that old relative that has amazing hand writing who make notes on the back of old photographs - something like that. Or I'm thinking of somehow using both ideas?


  1. If you decided your Art Of was a scrap book - or book of memories - something that the grandchildren of your original characters found in the attic - then it can be a combination of official documentation, photos, 'pressed flowers from the fields' etc. If you're going to do 'hand written' elements - then I think they should be 'hand-written' - so handwritten elements scanned at a decent resolution and then overlaid etc into the creation of a page. Sometimes handwritten fonts can look a bit naff - not always, but sometimes.

    1. Yeah that's what I'm thinking of going for, the pages are going to be a tea coloured/worn out textured paper, I'll scan the back of pictures and try overlaying them to create a background and see how it looks :)
