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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Script to Screen

Character: Robot.

Environment: Cellar.

Prop: Diary.


1) Going down a Edward Scissorhands route. There's an incomplete robot in a cellar and the diary is more like a journal full of designs and blue prints, a bio of the robot and his purpose, the robot looks human maybe like in Terminator??? The mission is to find out who he is and where he belongs for he doesn't know at first he isn't human he's just been given the memories of one. (Lilo and Stitch inspired story? Lilo meaning lost and stitch meaning sewn together).

2) Like Maddi suggested in the comments, set it in the future (like in iRobot), he hides from humanity (as they are on the hunt for him) in this old abandoned cellar and documents his life/survival in this diary, he thinks like a human more like a robot - he has human emotion unlike a robot.

3) A robot that never came to fruition, the tale of a person's work or ambition for this robot. His purpose: aid as this inventor has no family or friends, or maybe like Metropolis bring back a late love.


  1. Maybe it's set in the future and a robot manages to get stuck in a cellar and he discovers an old diary which makes him believe that the past is a better place and he tries to then live in the past and face judgement for his old style or maybe a diary is kept by a robot which documents his life as he hides for his life in a cellar and the animation explores the better times he used to have and it explains how he got in the situation he is in now..

  2. That's a good idea, so far I have 4 basic ideas that need developing:

    1) Going down a Edward Scissorhands route. There's an incomplete robot in a cellar and the diary is more like a journal full of designs and blue prints, a bio of the robot and his purpose, the robot looks human maybe like in Terminator??? I have a lot more thinking to do on this idea if I pursue it.

    2) Like Maddi suggested, set it in the future (like in iRobot), he hides from humanity (as they are on the hunt for him) in this old abandoned cellar and documents his life/survival in this diary, he thinks like a human more like a robot - he has human emotion unlike a robot.

    3) A robot that never came to fruition, the tale of a person's work or ambition for this robot. His purpose: aid as this inventor has no family or friends, or maybe like Metropolis bring back a late love.

    4) A robot time machine - this robot actually looks robotic not human and is more of an ally/side kick and goes on a journey as a side kick with the protagonist to the past or future (like in Doctor Who), yet to think of a mission but thinking of 'Saving the Titanic'.

  3. They're really interesting ideas. I like the first one because he could look into the diary and discover his own past. Then using this information he tries to find the person who invented him!

    1. The mission is to find where he comes from and where he belongs... Sounds possible.

  4. Building a bit on the idea Maddi suggested where the Robot is the one keeping the diary, perhaps instead of a traditional physical diary, it could be more like the diary is actually just System Logs kept in a hard drive on him? Things like how long was the robot running for, what tasks/processes he performed, any errors that happened on his operating system, perhaps? The story could possibly be told by people who've found this robot and, for whatever reason, want/need to read through the System Logs (his diary), perhaps to find out what his original objective was, was he good, was he evil, was he made by one guy on his own, is he just one out of hundreds of mass-manufactured robots? This could apply somewhat to your mission of finding out where he comes from and where he belongs - perhaps the people who found him are trying to put him back where he came from, restore him in a way? Or are collecting the info from all the robots like him then just disposing of them?

    Sorry, got a bit carried away there :') but hopefully it gives you a bunch of ideas to work with!

    1. Interesting, I'm liking the system logs being the diary instead of a cliche book.

  5. I do like the 1st one, with the robot not knowing he isn't human. I think you could make a fairly emotional story from this.
    For the one where he is hiding from humanity you could have the diary be an account of how he ended up there. Whenever he opens it up you see a small bit of what happened (maybe in a different art style or something).
