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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Character Design Class 1 - Simplifying Donkey

Today we were looking at different character styles, we were all given a character and we either had to simplify them or make them look more realistic, I was given Donkey from Shrek and tried to simplify him, I started getting fed up with simplifying Donkey and made a poor attempt at turning him into a chibi. After donkey I moved onto Laura's given character Popeye and also made him into a chibi. I really enjoyed this session.

First attempt was too on the same level as the original character. To simplify, you look at what shapes there are and simplify by working with a basic shape in Donkey's case thats a cube, triangle and a sphere.
Donkey and Popeye as Chibis
Mostly Justin's Sketches but posting for reference.

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