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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Saturday 14 January 2017

Like for Like Storyboard - Beauty and the Beast

Like for like storyboard clip

Original Storyboard panels found in the concept art book.

Storyboards serve two purposes: first, they allow a filmmaker to previsualise and refine their ideas; secondly, they serve as the clearest language by which the entire production team may collaborate efficiently.

Things to avoid when storybaording: Dead center compositions, tilted angles and splitting the screen in half with horizontal lines.


  1. i think you like for like is great, i think you captured the scene really well :)

    1. Thanks! I'm loving your deadpool scenes - you know which one is best 😉😂
