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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Character Design Class 2 - Shapes Within Characters//Character Shapeology

In today's lesson we looked at shapeology used to design characters:

  • Circular = Friendly
  • Triangular = Villainous
  • Rectangular = Hero/Robust/Hench
  • Sharp edges/lines = Harsh, aggressive, naturally we feel threatened by edges.
  • Soft edges = Comforting, friendly, naturally we feel unthreatened by soft edges.

Today's task was taking a character and changing the shapeology of them to change how they come across visually but are still recognizable, for example Marie is a circular character - she's friendly, gentle and cute. I changed her shapeology to make her more rectangular so she still looks like cute/friendly Marie just now she looks tougher.
Marie from Aristocats

Rectangular Marie
I tried to make her look more evil/ triangular and I thought this meant put in more sharp points like a triangle has but no it's more the parts of the character suggest triangles.

My failed evil Marie attempt, I had a go at making Lilo rectangular

Justin's Villainous Marie.

After that we started working on proportions, I was tasked with designing proportions for an alien and to be honest I don't know the first thing about an alien's shape so drew whatever, lack of thinking is never good when designing characters... Instead I ended up drawing a chibi panda ninja holding bamboo.

Chibi Panda Ninja holding Bamboo

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