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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Friday 7 October 2016

Weighted Balls

Cartoon Ball - Squash and Stretch
Bowling Ball
Heavy weight so falls quicker, has little bounce and rolls slowly.

Ping Pong Ball
Light weight so quickly bounces as soon as it hits the ground, takes a while before it stops bouncing.
Tennis Ball
Average weight, average bounce, no flexibility for squash and stretch.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paris,

    The last 3 balls were supposed to be vertical drops rather than moving from left to right on the page.
    The 3 that you have done though still need a few tweaks.
    The bowling ball would have a small bounce, then roll to a slow stop.
    The ping pong ball looks like it bounces very close to previous bounces in some cases, perhaps take a fresh look at this after placing some arcs in and see how it feels then?
    The tennis ball lingers a bit to long on the ground on each bounce. It looks like it possibly follows an impossible curve too. I can help you with this explanation in the next class.

