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Sunday 16 October 2016

Animating Balls: Key Framing, Scripting and Dynamic Simulation

Key framing using the Graph Editor:

Frame 1: Translate Y = 10
Frame 20: Translate Y = -10
Frame 40: Translate Y = 10

View > Infinity
Curves > Pre Infinity > Cycle
Curves > Post Infinity > Cycle

Scripting using the Expression Editor:
Select object > Channel Box > Translate Y > Edit > Expressions
Type in: Scripted_Ball.translateY=sin(time*5)*10;

Sin = Wave
(time*5) = Frequency of the wave (how often it repeats).
*10 = Movement/Height of the wave.
; = end of script.

Simulation using Forces and Fields:
FX menu
(Select ball) Fields/Solvers > Create Active Rigid Body
(Select floor) Fields/Solvers > Create Passive Rigid Body
(Select ball) Fields/Solvers > Gravity (in channel box) Magnitude: 50.
Select frame 1 and the ball, Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation Options > Reset Settings
This key frames everything.
(Select ball) Edit > Delete All By Type > Rigid Bodies.

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