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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Life Drawing: Session 1 - 21/09/2016


  1. Hi Paris! I'm a third year student and I've been asked to mentor you! I'm loving the expressive use of the charcoal here :) May I suggest enhancing your images with Photoshop? You'd be able to crop them and really bring out the positives in your work! Great job keeping a note of the date too, makes it super easy to order for the end of the year! Let me know if you need help, I'll be around in Base Room as of next week! :)

    1. Hi Kayleigh, thank you for agreeing to be my mentor, I'll enhance my images and add them to this post, it was my first time using charcoal, I really like it and have brought some of my own, I plan to draw some thumbnails for invisible cities with them. :)

    2. Great idea! You might even be able to find some Charcoal brushes for Photoshop! :)

    3. I'll look into it, it will help when it comes to doing digital thumbnails :)
