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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Minor Schedule and Submission Iventory

On January the 10th, I want to be in a position where I am ready to start animating. 

For my Minor Submission I plan to have submitted:
  • 3 main characters fully modelled, rigged, skinned and textured + 3 half characters (same character waist down just with different textures)
  • Pre Viz (Grey, no rigged animation, camera shots)
  • Post Viz (Textured, more animation, mostly same camera shots).
  • New Concept Art to figure out art direction - 1-3 paintings
  • Production Art and Orthographs
  • Annotated Shot Lists
  • Expression and Gesture Sheets - Animation, rig, lighting and render tests
  • Art of
  • Finished Sets (last priority)

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