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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Style Research

These have a general audience but particularly youth.

2.5D - Grayscale Colour Scheme

Dr Seuss Style - Rhyming Narration, solid colours and pen art.

More modern Dr Seuss has a comic feel but not quite a comic and strong surrealism.
I also like the surreal environments this will work well when designing a scientific environment.
This could work well with the vector styled illustrations I experimented with in the last project.

If I decide to go with a completely 3D style and go with a gaming format I'd go with something like Lego Universe (the trees are somewhat similar to that in Cat in the Hat).

Looking at Minecraft although it is popular the pixelated blurry blocky style wouldn't work too well for me but the simplicity/animation-movement is inspiring.

Or if I go completely 2D maybe something like the Mr Men

More rhymes used to narrate a story to make it more effective.

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