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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Idea and how to do.

Now I have a structure (the poem) that I'm going to create visuals for, I've begun thumbnails for cell design and chromosome designs that I need to develop digitally. But after that I need to start thinking about background and environment of the cell world within each phase/checkpoint. Because I'm Seuss influenced for this project, it won't look all HD and glowy like in the image below. 

Looking at my science influence map I chose images of cells that had a solid/subtle gradient backgrounds with other cells nicely faded into the background. I will have to experiment with this Seuss style to see how far I can take it with a FX and HD aesthetic.

Thinking of the image above animated and my maya knowledge I could use the wave deformer (right square) or blendshapes to make them move subtly in the background (shown below).

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