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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Character Design Class 5 - Camera Angles

In today's class we were told to create a character or use one we've already created I decided to use the daughter character for my story and my story was "This Means War" at first I did only 3 panels, Mid Shot, CU and BCU.

But the problem with this is it didn't tell enough story, like why is war being declared. I just did a storyboard sequence for "this means war" specifically. So I gave it more panels...

But I should have thought more about angle and other camera shots as similar shots can be boring to watch, like when girl is getting shoved in the locker show from behind her, he getting shoved in.

And I can use perspective of the background to focus attention on my character.

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