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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Sunday 8 January 2017

Holiday Reading

Over the holidays I've done a bit of reading, I really wish I read The Animator's Survival Kit earlier as it has all of the animation classes explained in a better way that I understand and from it I can see where I've gone wrong in some exercises e.g. my walk cycle and animal walk cycle. This book has also made me realise how important life drawing is and has made me eager to improve over the next term.

In my panda walk cycle I've realised there's no head movement or a weight shift as he walks also he walks slightly too fast. However as my first animal walk cycle I'm pleased with that turn out.

And my walk cycle well, you can see it goes way too fast and is a headache to look at, I have about 20 frames for about 3 steps... I will revisit this task and redo it following the guidance in the book.
It is supposed to be 12 frames = 2 steps. I understand about the different parts of a walk cycle, contact, passing pose etc.  The sequence will be 48 frames (2 seconds) long and the walk at a natural pace, (in the space of 2 seconds I should have 8 steps).

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