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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects ...

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Character Design Class 3 - Props and Designing Characters Suitable To A Room

For the first half of the lesson we were told to bring in an object and in class we were given a character that we would have to redesign our object as if it was part of that world or belonged to them. I brought in my pocket watch and was given Daffy Duck.


Being me I unintentionally went for the most obvious thing and accidentally went into merchandising... Big no no. I had to design a prop, something simple animators could draw again and again. Also on screen a pocket watch would be tiny so again something simple to fit the Looney Tunes style/world.

Second part of the lesson was about designing characters to suit their environment, their personality would reflect the objects job for example a toilet would be miserable in the bathroom, an oven would be heated/angry in the kitchen, a light would be happy etc. I was given a garden shed to design characters for but I misheard and heard gun shed... (I did think it was a bit odd). So I drew some kawaii angry looking guns and a grenade, to be honest the baby grenade is the only good character and one I plan on developing; Justin gave me a good idea to make the ring on it a dummy.

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