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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Friday 16 December 2016

Reflective Statement

What If Metropolis was a more enjoyable project than Invisible Cities, I loved creating my painting in a 3D space, I liked the challenge of thinking like someone else to create art as Cornell not as myself, I feel it has made me less ignorant in an art sense and broaden my approach to architecture.

Environments are a weaker skill for me, I find it difficult to paint a decent looking city however I am very pleased with my final render and the feedback I received, people mainly honed in on the scuba diving helmet which was my most complex model and the one I'm most proud of. Time management for this project was so much better than the last project, I created schedules and committed to them, I did again get it slightly wrong at the beginning in terms of understanding the brief as I thought we had to use their work to create a city rather than think like them and use their ideas to create a city and architect buildings, using their work as a guide or reference for ideas. OGR 1 didn't get a greenlight as I was on the wrong track but I managed to catch up and resolve everything by OGR 2 and more getting the greenlight.

During my crit presentation unfortunately my nerves took over and I had so many things I wanted to say about my work and get across a good explanation, I made notes to help prompt me but they became blurry when I looked at them and I began forgetting things in addition to pretty much just giving my presentation to the screen rather than my audience which I know I should never do so don't know why I did... Luckily my work was able to do some of the talking for me like how in my final image the air brush haze makes it looks like you're waking up and the memory or Merveille is fading and that it is a space of collected objects as that's what Cornell does and I wanted these objects to look like a city park.

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