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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Friday 21 October 2016

Invisible Cities Reflective Statement

At the start of the project I missed the briefing which put me at a disadvantage so when I got round to looking at the brief after the weekend, everyone else did tasks that they didn't need to wait for classes in order to complete it and already I was behind on my work and didn't know. I didn't start thumbnailing until a week after the brief and from there I was more behind than everyone else and I didn't totally understand the task, I didn't realise how many cities we had to do thumbnails for and how much detail - thumbnails are not a quick thing. In future if I ever have to miss a briefing again (hopefully I won't) I will look at the brief as soon as possible and find tasks to complete and get my work done as soon as possible so that I dont have to rush doing 10+ cities thumbnailing in a weekend and won't have to pull a almost all nighter to get my final paintings done last minute to a just about satisfactory quality. Another problem I had due to misunderstanding the brief is I planned an idea that was off brief, the task was to create concept art on Calvino's Invisible Cities where as I took his idea and completely changed it into something it wasn't so I wasted even more time on that idea then having to go back and create a new one.

Having done digital painting before this was my first attempt at doing enviromental/city concept art where as before I was doing concept art for characters. Throughout this project I have learned about thumbnails and new digital painting techniques such as using the lasso tool to paint, blending modes, gradient maps, experimenting with new brush tips, image creation techniques such as collage and construction and for me working a lot more in black and white where as I have always worked in colour only. I did enjoy this project as it challenged me, despite how stressful it was because of my own errors wasting so much time, I'm really pleased with two of my final paintings, (my establishing shot especially) as it was my first surrealism influenced piece and my first landscape/city painting. My low angle shot however lacks the same quality the other two have as I spent the least amount of time on that and gave myself five days (sunday - thursday) to get all three paintings done and because I had classes to attend I didn't spend as much time on the low angle shot, (basically thursday). However I'm really proud that I finally got there with Armilla despite the knock backs and that I produced something I can be proud of. I feel I did well considering this is my first project and I did get everything done and handed in on time.

Next project I will do my work as soon as I get it but pacing how much I do in a day and not to overload myself, I will make sure I'm on top of everything and will start making work schedules again. Also I will read the brief more thoroughly several times to remember what it specifically says and to prevent me going off track again.

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