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A-k-a, my public learning diary for my 3D animation degree and since graduating, my free-time independent 3D studies and personal projects

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Armilla Thumbnail Tests

From messing with these thumbnails and colours from the influence pictures I found, for my low angle shot I have decided on no broken house brickwork at the bottom around the pipes. When air brushing put white in the middle rather than at the top where the horizon starts. Thumbnail 8 is the one to go with as a key thumbnail.

1. Needs atmosphere
2. Better than 1

3. Removed brick work from 2 and expanded floor
4. Thumbnail 2 black and white with atmosphere
5. Messing with the sky
6. Black and white no atmosphere

7. Sky with white atmosphere in the middle
8. Same as 7 with brickwork removed


  1. In terms of colour design... are you considering a more upbeat, cheerful 'nature' space? Right now, this thumbnail is making the place look very post-apocalyptic as opposed to Armilla being a new 'Eden'...

    1. I'm considering 2 versions of Armilla, both will be surrealism styled but one version is post apocalypse/aftermath of a natural disaster, demolished place (these thumbnails) the other will be a beautiful eden place, the eden thumbnails I will work on tomorrow and see which is better and works.
